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Can people who enjoy their own coffee taste drink their coffee anytime, anywhere?

Espresso machine

for make your own coffee capsule 

COSSO is a new type of espresso machine.
There are two usability options depending on the situation.
It is distinguished when users drink coffee on the spot and take it with them outside.

If you put the capsule you want to use on top of the COSSO, the capsule will be opened by the magnet and filled with coffee. Users can put the completed capsule in their own storage box and drink their own coffee anytime, anywhere.

2 way espresso outlet

Cosso comes with espresso up and down. When it comes up, it fills the capsule, and when it comes down, it enters the espresso cup.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​​​​​Keep your coffee aroma in a warm case which made of stainless steel

Take out espresso in a capsule

You can enjoy a variety of coffees in capsule espresso, cups, water and syrup anywhere, anytime.

Put the espresso in the capsule into the glass and enjoy your coffee anytime, anywhere.

Bottom up Espresso

When the capsule is plugged into Cosso, the magnet inside the capsule rises up, filling the gap with the coffee.

Capsules can be stored on the coffee machine.

Coffee storage

Coffee beans are stored safely from the heat of the espresso machine.

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