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​DYSON Air purifier for city farm

​The concept is: Water vapor creates a barrier and combines with fine dust and this combined water vapor is dropped to the ground. 


Forms and structures to function as products are specified through sketches.


Water vapor creates a barrier and combines with fine dust and This combined water vapor is dropped to the ground. 

Humidifier detail

The water vapor released by the 12 pumps is evenly discharged through a humidifier module consisting of several tubes to keep fine dust in check.


Right now, we live in fine dust. Fine dust is fatal to plants as well as humans. 

But the ventilation system in the 'city farm' is completely unaware of the problem of fine dust.


We ran a prototype to see how much water vapor can hold fine dust.
As a results, water vapor has kept the fine dust almost 95 percent.


We designed the rear part so that farmer can see the state of the inside from the outside.

Pump detail

The water that rises in the pipe is converted into water vapor 

through 12 pumps and released.

Interior design

Exploded view to help you understand the structure of the product

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